What is FIRST?
FIRST, standing for For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology is a global non-profit organization founded in 1989 by Inventor Dean Kamen. The FIRST Organization seeks to prepare students for the future through STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) in the form of robotics programs for ages 4-18 (Prek-12th). FIRST hosts a total of three programs for various ages, all of which have their own games, challenges and changes year to year:
- FIRST Lego League: grades PreK to 8
- FIRST Tech Challenge: grades 7 to12
- FIRST Robotics Competition: grades 9 to 12

What about FRC?
Under strict rules, limited resources, and the guidance of volunteer mentors including engineers, teachers, business professionals, parents, alumni, and more, teams of 25+ students build and program robots to perform challenging tasks against a field of competitors. They must also raise funds, design a team "brand," hone teamwork skills, and perform community outreach. In addition to learning valuable STEM and life skills, participants are eligible to apply for $80 million in college scholarships.
FIRST Washington

FIRST Washington supports and engages today's tech-native youth with a league of their own, inspiring them to build on their passions and preparing them to be the STEM leaders of tomorrow. Creating. Theorizing. Tinkering. Testing. Expanding their worlds. Getting their hands dirty. FIRST Washington ignites youthful minds through education, hard work, mentorship, and healthy competition. Just as important, participants are integrated into a fun, team-based learning environment created to encourage their interests, teach the benefits of collaboration, boost self-confidence - and illuminate the exciting world of STEM study and careers. At FIRST Washington, we sum it up this way: What's going to be happening next in STEM is happening here.
For more information regarding anything related FIRST, visit www.firstinspires.org