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Writer's pictureFRC 3218

40 Hours In

Updated: Jan 18, 2020

This last week, Panther Robotics has worked 40 hours designing and prototyping the competition robot.

So far for build, we've prototyped the frame of the robot, three launching mechanisms, a turret, as well the climbing mechanism.

The first design of the launcher was a quick rough draft to experiment with angle, accuracy, and pressure. The second prototype used only one wheel and rolled the ball around the lower mechanism frame. The pressure of the wheel was enough to make the ball fly twenty feet, however, the build and CAD team have decided to make a third and fourth prototype to try and achieve the best system possible. The third design made relied on two wheels maneuvering the ball rather than rolling it against the frame. They wish to achieve more power and efficiency with the fourth design. This design is virtually the same except with the new CAD model, we hope that the system will be more effective and operational. The routine redesigning and brainstorming ideas is a process that allows for only the best ideas to rise to the top.

The turret that was prototyped goes hand in hand with the launching mechanism. Instead of turning the whole robot to aim, the turret allows the driver to rotate the launcher separate from the bot to aim and drive efficiently together. This device was designed by our CAD team and assembled by build for a functioning prototype that will give us an idea on how to make improvements.

Lastly on the build side, a climber was put together. The arms that reach up to grab a hanging bar was designed, improved, and constructed. Wheels on the arms allow drivers to adjust the bot once it climbs to achieve a balanced shield generator (see 2020 Kickoff: Infinite Recharge for game explanation).

This week, the wiring team completed all of the wiring for the splinter bot. This is a robot with no wheels that is a practice tool for programming. They also are working on wiring the drive base of the robot.

Management has been working hard on writing awards. These include Chairmans, Entrepreneur, and Woodie Flowers. The team that wins one of these awards is granted two ranking points in the competition. Aside from writing essays about the team, management has been painting the pit tower for the pit design, making pins to hand out at competition, and compiling all safety tests into one singular master test.

This week has been full of long hours and hard work. The team has been having fun, but difficult fun. To see the wheels turning in these young minds is an experience unknown to most. Our students are seeing the robot through, start to finish. Learning, working, and bonding over a project that they will remember forever.

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